Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tokyo Toy Shop Map Updated!

I've been working on updating (and upgrading) my Tokyo toy shop map. I added three shops: 2000 Collectable Toys (Koenji), Hugest (Kita Senju), and Real Headz (Aoto).

I've also started adding store hours, websites, and phone numbers, (if available), starting with the 3 new shops. Over time, I'll work on performing similar upgrades to the other stores on the map.

Click here to go to the toy shop post, which I'm slowly turning into a comprehensive "one stop" reference for Tokyo toy shopping. Happy hunting!


  1. Hi,
    Just discovered your nice blog. I am living in between Rokyo and Hong Kong and found it very useful.
    I was windering if you knew any shop and person selling Kaijin Super Jepel: Fewmany version and customs.
    I have been looking for them for so long!

  2. You might try One Up at Nakano Broadway or the Few Many shop in Shinjuku. Good luck!

  3. I actually went to both but don't have them anymore. Big sold-out for the last couple of years. Sad :-/
    I was counting on the secondary market, but nothing popped-up yet.
