Thursday, May 12, 2011

Studio Uamou revisit

The other day, I paid a visit to Studio Uamou, in Akihabara. (Click here for my first write up on the shop, including shop details and directions.) In the months since its December 2010 opening, the shop has expanded its offerings, including all kinds of new releases from Uamou as well as figures and artwork from other local and international designers.

The shop itself is a clinic on how much amazing stuff you can pack into a small space without feeling cramped. Great job Ayako!
 Lots more after the jump:

Love these figures!

Uncut GID pulls!!!!!!!

Lots of goodies can be found in the shop's nooks and crannies.

The original Uamou comic!!

Drawings by Ayako for sale

 The shop also sells collabs between Uamou and other designers.... well as work by other artists:

Why not join Boo for a drink in the cafe?

Well, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed the ride!

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