Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Monsters Showcase featuring Rockin Jelly Bean and Sketch

Tonight was the opening reception for Monsters Showcase, a two-man show featuring monster themed artwork by Rockin Jelly Bean (the creative force behind Erostika) and Sketch, a fine artist of prodigious talent. The show is being held at Sunday Issue, a bar totin' gallery in Shibuya that's just a few minutes' walk from Shibuya station.

There are 23 pieces in the show, ranging from 250,000-600,00 yen each. (The average is around 300,000.)

Lots of pics after the jump:
Rockin Jelly Beans' work:

I like this dude - kind of a Tom Waits wolfman with a convenience store shot of sake.

Artwork by Sketch:

The gallery also has a back room with a few places to sit. It also creates an interesting viewing space, though we couldn't decide if the books on the shelves were legit or just-for-show clearance titles from a used book shop.

RJB made the trip over from Osaka.

And what's a RJB show without some Jelly Beanettes?
 Despite the rain, there was a good turnout:

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