Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lady Maxx: Side by Side


Lady Maxx is one of the latest in Max Toy Co's line of popular mini figures. In recent years, the company has strengthened its offerings by pooling the talents of some of Japan's best toy makers. Lady Maxx was sculpted by Makino-san of TTToy and cast by Shimuzu-san. What's more, the figure boasts more than TWENTY paint masks, also made by a master Japanese artisan. As his company puts out figure after figure, Mark Nagata masterminds the circle of talent, designing characters, color schemes, and header cards.
Here's a look at two versions of Lady Maxx. The hot pink version was recently released through the Max Toy website and at Design Festa 33. It brilliantly shows off the detailed sculpt, top notch mask work, and a beautiful combination of metallic and matte paint. The silver/black Lady Maxx is a test shot painted by Mark Nagata to use as a reference piece for future colorways. Though this isn't a production piece, I think it does a great job bringing out the sculpt while creating an almost pewter effect.
 More after the jump:

Close up shot
 Some stand alone shots:

Extra head that came with the pink Lady Maxx
And the crew with the relatively diminutive Captain Maxx
Click here and here to read previous Kaiju Korner Side by Sides.

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