Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gargamel Micros


A few months ago, Gargamel started selling super tiny (about 1" tall) micro sized figures. At first, that doesn't sound like much, but these figures have highly detailed sculpts.. Also, unlike other figures this size, these are not one piece finger puppets! Each of the micros is made from two parts, giving some of the figures (ex: Zagoran) articulation at the neck, and others (ex: Angel Bird) a solid base. The micros are usually sold  in Gargamel's gachapon machines. Most of the time, you get a solid figure: orange, black, GID, etc. But there are also a few painted versions in the mix.

Close ups after the jump:


Painted GID Oozebat
Painted Angel Bird
This micro Zag was sold at the Gargmel custom show a few months ago. It's amazing how much paint detail there is on a figure this size!

There are very few unpainted black Midoras.

Thrashout gachapon machine

Thrashout micro display


  1. Awesome little monsters!!!
    Should send you a handfull of yen...


  2. Hey Andy do you know the location of these machines? I have a friend going to JApan and would love for them to grab a few for me.

  3. Unfortunately the shop (Thrashout) closed some time ago.
