Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What haunts the Ghost Cave...

There's a darkness in New York - a peeling, tattooed underbelly that juts out like your fat uncle's gut after his fourth Thanksgiving helping. It's not a siren song or a pusher's come on, but a grimy outstretched hand that knows your hunger and has the vinyl to feed it...if you're willing to ink up and pay the price.

This is the world I was shown yesterday. I first heard about the Ghost Cave at the Toy Tokyo Benefit for Japan (speaking of which - bid high and bid often!!) So yeah, there I was at this feel good event thinking these Mishka guys were onto some next level shit that would ratchet up the game and lessez les bons temps roulez! Yeah, well, that's what I thought until I got obscure directions and an invite to visit the Ghost Cave.

So I went out there the next day in the middle of who the hell knows where. I was led into a back room where some seriously freaky shit was going down. They were mumbling about plans to release insane vinyl exclusives on an invite only basis, and to get through the door you have to let them tattoo you! I left thinking WTF? with little more than this video:

So we'll see what happens. Your guess is as good as mine! Just watch your pants...

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