Sunday, April 3, 2011

Toy Tokyo benefit art show/auction for Japan disaster relief

Tonight was the opening reception for an art show benefiting disaster relief efforts in Japan. The show is being hosted at the Toy Tokyo Underground Gallery, which is right next door to Toy Tokyo in New York. The pieces on display will be auctioned on Ebay (auction details below) on Monday, with 100% of proceeds going towards 3/11 earthquake and tsunami relief efforts.

The venue, located on 91 2nd Ave. in Manhattan.

Plenty of folks were there at 7:00 PM waiting for the doors to open.

Donations, which got you a raffle ticket, were taken at the door. 100% of proceeds will go to the Japan Red Cross.
 More after the jump.
The show, curated by Dizmology, features dozens of pieces across many mediums. Artists from a grip of continents contributed to the show. Some of the art:

The Four Horsemen

Shepherd Fairey (Obey)

 A short break from the art to show you some of the attendees.
Graf artist in Groucho disguise being interviewed by a film crew.


Lev (Toy Tokyo owner) on right

DJ Gok & DJ Smoke L.E.S. had the place rocking!
 Back to the art:




Toybot Studios


David Healey

 Crowd shots:
There was already a good-sized crowd at 7:15

It was wall to wall less than 30 minutes later.

 More of the art:

The raffle prizes.
In the middle of it all, Greg Mishka and Lamour Supreme (and a few other artists who rolled up) worked on an installation piece, which will also be auctioned off for the relief effort.

The piece got more and more detailed as the night went on.
The Ebay listings will be under the seller name: tt-undergroundjapanbenefit

This link will take you to their item listing page. Remember to bid high and bid often starting this Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the long post and all the pics. I was hoping someone would blog the show.
