Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Visit to Mutant Vinyl Hardcore (LASH) Studio

The other day, I had the pleasure of training up to New Haven and spending a day with Rich (aka LASH), the tour de creative force behind Mutant Vinyl Hardcore. Rich has been a top notch customizer for years, but over the last year he has exploded on the scene with a growing line of original vinyl characters.

Here's my photolog of the trip.
The MTA runs a great service between Grand Central and New Haven. And only 14 bucks!

We started with lunch at the legendary Pepe's pizza. We didn't have to wait, but those who do are surely never disappointed by the food. Try the margarita and live!
After lunch we headed to Rich's new studio, a kind of artist's loft space with plenty of room for jazzercizing and Yeah....
 More after the jump:

The upcoming Frankenruge Ollie. Superior!

In formation. Ready for paint!

Some one-offs for the Ollie kickstarters.

Rich doubles as a kaiju wet nurse. Sensitive!

Figure for upcoming Blobpus x MVH collab!

Rich has put together an impressive workspace with great ventilation.

The MVH protector. Back off. He'll lick yer face off!
We also cruised around the city, visiting the Yale art museum (which is free and awesome) and the university campus. I thought I took a picture of the Skull and Bones building, but it mysteriously vanished from my card.

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