Sunday, January 9, 2011

Superfestival 55

Superfestival 55 was so intense I'm going to skip the regular intro and narrative and go straight to the pics.
 More than 175 pics after the jump:
Set up:

 Real Head:

 Dream Rockets:
Debut painted releases of Gibaza. (Debut unpainted release (black and white blanks) was at last month's Kaiju Invade Harajuku show)
 Popsoda and friends:

Refreshment Toys lucks bags

 Cord Viper:

 Fig lab and friends:

An amazing amount of time and work went into these awesome Galaxy People resins. Get them if you can!

GID + clear resin!

Also GID + clear!

Paul Kaiju paint

Mirock and friends:


 Upcoming Blobpus x Lash Ollie:


New upcoming releases in the anime line!

Sold as pre-order

 Creative Design:





 US Toys:


New releases

Sunguts + Pico Pico:

 Spooky Parade:

The pieces are all resin!

This was the debut event for this maker and the debut release of these toys.

 Cosmo Knight Alpha:
 Iru Iru:
This was Iru Iru's first show!

Each space figure comes with a bag of extra inserts and accessories!

Very few of these were made available. They sold out instantly. (I missed out, alas.)

Ran into someone who had one, and he was nice enough to let me take pics.

The Iru Iru minis were sold individually and as a set on this awesome vintage style display.

This company and toy also debuted at today's Superfes.

 Dealer tables:

In terms of vintage toys, this show was the best I've been to in a long time.

 Models, 12" figures, and dioramas:

 Performance by famous toy scene icon and dance troupe:


Here's what I picked up.


  1. awww. I was scrolling down, holding my breath for your swag, only to be disappointed!!

  2. Coming in a bit....I need to eat!

  3. OMG at the Gibaza!! Did it sell out?

  4. gibaza's up for pre-order at lulubell right now.

    that blobpus ollie looks awesome though!

  5. So many awesome photos!
    Thanks for the great
    coverage of the event,
    Andy. The Marmit Archdemon
    is my favorite figure
    I saw in your post. I'm
    guessing the price was
    21,000 yen for it.

  6. Thanks guys!
    Sorry Krakit, I didn't catch the price. I usually have my hands full snapping shots and don't usually hone in on details like that unless I buy the figure or the price tag shows up in the photo. (That and the fact that there are usually hundreds of different toys for sale. ;-)

  7. The numbers on the piece of
    paper under the Archdemon
    in your photo are 21,000 and
    6,300 so I was guessing the
    higher number represented the
    price. I can't read Japanese
    so I'm not sure what is being
    said on the paper.

  8. The Japanese says:

    Asutarosu: 21,000
    Guru: 6300
